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Thursday, May 27, 2010


2. 生理期不吃巧克力,因為會加重痛經。
3. 養成記錄生理週期的習慣。
4. 透過運動而非調整型內衣來塑造曲線。
5. 不翹二郎腿,以免壓迫神經。
6. 貼身衣物不干洗。
7. 拉風的丁字褲不適宜日常穿著。
8. 去年的衣服要進行曝曬後才可以穿。
9. 如非必要,不使用衛生護墊。
10. 定期檢查化妝品的保質期。
11. 洗浴後一小時再化妝。
12. 即使愛美,也不要在耳朵上部的外緣軟骨部位穿耳洞。
13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特別是母親和外婆的病史。

1. 在牛奶和豆漿之間,選擇後者。
2. 覺得還可以再吃半碗飯時,離開餐桌。
3. 如果身體不感到飢渴,每天只需飲用4杯水。
4. 多喝酸奶。
5. 無論什麼原因,都別抽煙。
6. 在食譜裡添加雜糧和菜蔬。
7. 飲綠茶勝過紅茶。
8. 重視早餐多過晚餐。
9. 控制鹽的用量。
10. 起床後先刷牙,再喝水。
11. 經常嚼口香糖。
12. 一早一晚,兩個蘋果可以有效改善便秘。
13. 純素食可能導致荷爾蒙分泌異常,造成不孕。
14. 每周至少吃一次魚。
16. 不喝久煮的火鍋湯。
17. 沒有果汁牛奶這回事,它們是天生的冤家。
18. 飯前吃水果勝過飯後。
19. 睡前可以來一杯紅葡萄酒。
20. 喝咖啡可能引起女性骨質疏松。

1. 多享受早晨8-9點的陽光。
2. 跑步、騎腳踏車等運動可以保持優美的腿部線條。
3. 熱水泡腳可有效預防靜脈曲張。
4. 精神極度疲倦時並不適宜以運動減壓,休息更重要。
5. 冬季少做戶外運動。
6. 10層以下,不乘坐電梯。
7. 每三個月改變一次你的健身選單。
8. 每天運動半小時,而非週末運動3小時。
9. 邊看電視邊做柔軟體操。
10. 經常散步。
11. 午休也是健身的好時間,不一定非等到晚上。
12. 光腳穿運動鞋固然舒服,卻對健康不利。
13. 睡半硬的床鋪更有利於頸椎健康。
14. 去正規的醫院而非美容院接受按摩。
15. 非運動狀態下不喝功能性飲料。
16. 運動後休息半小時再入浴。
17. 不在過吵的健身房中鍛鍊。
18. 正確的姿勢比專程去健身更有效。

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Smile =)

Today because of the long beans, it makes me smile whole day.
I cook for lunch this afternoon.
Long beans and vegetables with oyster sauce.
At first cook long beans.
While I was cooking, one of the long bean jump out.
And I was laughing all the way when I was cooking.
Grandma says : "Girl, are you crazy? Long bean jump out only. Do you need to laugh all the way you cook?"
But I really can't control myself.
I was laughing and laughing.
Oh my goodness.
Now I just know that I didn't laugh till so happy since the time mummy passed away till now.
These few nights having not enough sleep.
My eyes now is so painful.
Close my eyes pain.
Open my eyes also pain.
Help me!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Damn It!!!

Who do you think you are?
What do you think I am?
What the hell that you guys treat me like that?
I'm not your slave OK?
Damn you!!!
I'm not the person for you to order anything and I go buy.
You want to eat then please go buy for yourselves!
Know that I don't like to go out.
But still insists want me to buy all the food for your dinner?
Excuse me, I'm really not your slave.
Bare it in your mind!
Shit you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Accept the fact!

Well, title for my blogging today!
I hate it.
But what can I do for the most?
I can only be silence and stay in my room.
Nothing much more I want to say about it.
Even now my personal data.
I hate to fill in all my details.
How I wish that I'm not born.
But can I make any changes?
If it is a YES, then I will not be blogging at here right now.
Sad me.
I hate myself much much.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can't drink cold water anymore!!!

Damn it.
What's wrong with me?
Can't drink cold water anymore!
I want cold water.
Due to after drinking will cough non-stop everytime, I can't drink cold water anymore.
Why treating me like this?
Weather now is hot also.
And no more something to cool me down except air conditioner.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Phone need to be check every night???

What's the matter right now?
Phone need to be spot-check too?
Damn it!
Just because incident happened from Aunty Jessie's son.
Story starts like that......
Aunty Jessie always complaint to daddy that his son always sms.
One day, she talk to her son.
She just found out that her son pakto.
What the ~ ~ ~
Quarrel somemore.
The weird thing is......
Why the girl's mother is so open-minded?
Every sunday fetch her daughter's boyfriend then go out together.
Cool ~ ~ ~
But daddy, it doesn't mean that it will be same to all the teenager OK?
Her son pakto why you also think that we everyday sms also pakto wor?
Does this means that no more privacy for me?
But I think what I'm saying right now is useless.
Cause this kind of spot-check is going on anyway.
I hate this.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Daddy brought himself a new phone =(
I want a new phone too!
But decided not to change cause of someone.
Damn it!!!
Asking myself to cool down.
I'm sure I can cool down!
Definitely I can cool down!
Telling myself that new HANDPHONE is nothing too.
Just make myself to have a phone that can let me messaging and calling is enough already.
I can get a new LAPTOP & HANDPHONE for myself 1 day.
I'm very sure that I can do it.
Just wait and see.
In someday, you will see that I've my own LAPTOP & HANDPHONE!
Buy it by myself and not using daddy's money.
That time don't you dare to say that daddy is 偏心!!!
Didn't change anything is just because of you!!!
Damn it!!!

01 June will be going to Penang and have a look in my new school.
Should I be happy about it?
I'm not sure.
The only things that I'm sure is that I'm sad cause for the few more more weeks I'm leaving.
And I'm sure is going to have homesick.
The air ticket for this time is not worth at all.
But what to do?
The time after they inform me the air ticket is already RM400++.
Thought that it will be much cheaper in someday so didn't bought it in earlier.
Now my air ticket is RM500++.
What the f***!!!
Damn expensive!!!
Can I don't go and have a look of my new school???
I think the answer is very clear that it is a NO from daddy.
Cause he say by the time I really go for study he will not be able to go with me anymore.
It schooling day after all.
Promise myself again!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I think so ~ ~ ~

I'm asking myself: "Have I did a right decision?"
Actually it is definitely a YES, but when you telling me about getting my hair go colour.
I think again: "Have I make a right decision?"
This time I was saying: "I think so to myself."
Oh my godness!!!
Don't tell me anymore things which is on fashion!!!
I've chosen my route to continue.
I want to become a NURSE!
A successful NURSE which can help those sick and suffering patient.
Ask again: "Why you choose to be nurse as your profession?"
Actually what I can say was I've made this decision since I was in Form 4.
It doesn't change until now.
And I can say that this decision mostly also being affected by Mummy actually.
Mummy was the one who make me realize that in this world there are thousands and millions of people who are suffering from many kind of sickness.
For more, nurse nowadays getting less and less.
No one willing to go for this job just because need to take care patient or other reason???
Still remember that when I was accompany Mummy go General Hospital, the service is running in a slow motion way.
Duhh, due to not enough nurses, can say that a nurse need to handle at least more than 5 patients???
Other reason for me to going for this path also being affected by RC!!!
Joining RC for more than 7 years since Primary till Secondary.
Woots ~ ~ ~
Don't know why I can stay so long time in it.
Really need to salute to myself!!! (ehek...jkjk...)
From what I'm learning in RC usually I did apply it into my daily life.
But what I knew that is in my future, the casualty that I'm going to see will not have just a small minor injury.
Maybe will have whole body covering with blood or the casualty will have broken arms and legs???
Well, I'm ready for all this challenges.

By the way, daddy is telling me that I'm going to take their scholarship.
Good thing for me???
Hope so!!!
Cause I still need bonding with them for 5 more years.
After that, I want to upgrade myself again.
I want to go further and further.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

♥ Happy Teacher's Day! 教师节快乐!♥

Happy Teacher's Day!!!
Time pass so fast...
This year Teacher's Day, and also it was first time bought something really special for Ms Connie...
But this gift was given to her very early...
It's during Fun Day Camp...
For the some sort of things that make me feel so shy >.<
Just wanted to say Ms Connie, thank you for everything...
Thanks for bringing me home when I have no transport...
Thanks for teaching me many things...
Thanks for the Secret Recipe cake... [if you still remember it...XD]
Thanks for willing to be my listener...
Thanks for every every everything...
Most important thanks for your caring and being with me in the time I needed most...
Thank you very much...
To all teachers, make yourselves have a nice weekend in celebrating Teacher's Day...
Once again, Happy Teacher's Day!!! ♥♥♥

Friday, May 14, 2010


自己进 Advisor Team 里。。。
有时,他很赞成我去每一个 activity。。。
有时,他却说我常去 RC 多过待在家里了。。。
刚才,春梅问我要不要去 Sarikei VRN。。。
就连我的 Award 也不要 apply 了。。。

~ 真心话 ~
其实,我很想去 Sarikei VRN 了。。。
其实,我很想要 apply award 了。。。


Thursday, May 13, 2010

难乎?易乎? 不难,也不易![转载]

( 一 )

    创业难,创业岂是儿戏!你要办企业,你要丢掉你舒适的工作环境和旱劳保收,你要冒多大的风险?资金,生产,技术,销售,人员,管理……一分钱压到英雄汉, 资金周转不过来怎么办?技术不过关,技术人员留不住怎么办?销售打不开局面怎么办?销售人员跳槽带走客户怎么办?市场瞬息万变,天有不测风云,破产怎么 办?怎是一个难字了得!

( 二 )


( 三 )



    一个想创业的人,如果他创业之前,认为这个世界是黑暗的,看不到光明,那他首先就迈不开这第一步,即使勉强迈了步,遇到困难,肯定想的是退却和逃避,他就 不会有积极的心态,就不能坚持,就不能忍耐,就承受不了挫折,就像是,秀才造反,三年不成!那么他的创业,在开始之先,就注定了失败,他的难,是注定的!

    当然,任何事,也不会像我们,想象的那么易。任何事,真正做好它,都不容易。这世上,没有天上掉下的馅儿饼,有得到,就有付出,有选择,就有承担。我们往 往容易看到别人的成功,而忽视这成功后隐藏的机遇、付出和酸甜苦辣。而且,不是所有的士兵都当得了将军,也不能人人都成得了大英雄,很多时候,人定,但胜 不了天;很多时候,谋事在人,成事却在天。


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No more scholarship for me?! Really?!

Don't be too freaking out when you saw the title of the post.
This is what daddy say it to me just now.
I'm so sad.
But I've to accept the fact.
It is because I need 2 guarantor for letting me to get the scholaship.
And this 2 guarantor all need to have a nett salary of RM3000.
Well, it is hard to find actually.
Because at 1st daddy thought that my cousin who is teacher will have the salary of RM3000.
But in last, it wasn't have this kind of salary.
So now although have 1 guarantor for me it still need 1 more.
If really can't find 2 guarantor then daddy is going to pay all the fees.
I need to accept this fact if it is really happen.
But I still hope that I can get the scholarship.
If there is going to have miracles coming out.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Driver are SUCKS Nowadays!

Nowadays the driver are SUCKS!
I didn't mean for all the driver but SOME OF THE DRIVER.
Do you know that you are SUCKS?
If you want to drive in the land beside you, PLEASE use signal!
Don't just suddenly drive into the land!
If the others driver can't respond in fast, then there will be accident!
And you will make TRAFFIC JAM along the road!
SUCKS you guys! WTF!
Even those with UNIFORM workers!
You guys are wearing UNIFORM and yet you guys didn't use SIGNAL!
What a SHAME!

Monday, May 10, 2010



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tears falling down.

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all Mom in the world.
You all are the greatest Mom.
This year having a different Mother's Day.
I miss the time we've been through.
Mummy, I've many things wanted to tell you.
But where should I start?
I've received scholarship for Nursing.
Continue my study in Penang.
Will follow your plan after my Diploma.
Now when we have holiday, daddy always bring us out.
Don't know will you be happy to listen it or not.
But I think you will agree with what Daddy had done all these while.
He bring us go KL on this year CNY.
He knew that you did promise wanted to bring us go.
You did say want to bring us to many place.
Daddy now is trying to fullfilled all your dreams all these while.
1 bad habits for Daddy is back.
He is smoking again.
Bro is doing well with his Form 1 school life.
Sis is ok.
Lastly, Mummy, Happy Mother's Day!
Tears falling again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ms Connie 竟然是第一个知道的!
昨晚,我遵守了自己对Pn Hii的诺言。

Monday, May 3, 2010

Form 6? =.=

T A H N I A H !

Anda Ditawarkan Untuk Mengikuti Pengajian Ke Tingkatan 6 Bawah
Berikut Adalah Maklumat Tawaran

No Kad Pengenalan:: 920320-13-XXXX
Angka Giliran:: SK225AXXX
Sekolah Ditawarkan:: YFB1204 - SMK ST THOMAS, KUCHING
Tarikh Mendaftar:: 10 Mei 2010

Well, this is what I check on today. The website is Oh my goodness, Form 6! I didn't even have a thought for getting into Form 6. I'm just thinking of going for Diploma in Nursing and that's all. No further thinking in Form 6 at all. Many people say Form 6 is hard to go for. So all will be going to Local University and College. Hmmm, next Moday I will not be going for Form 6 and that's all. No further opinion from anyone. Cool~ Yeah!

Camp 2 Days 1 Night

On 1st of May, went to camp with Michelle, Catherine an Victor. And it was the first time for me to drive till so far and daddy wasn't even worry about it. Woots! Thanks Daddy, for trusting me in driving so far and not even worry. =) Morning 3.30am wake up and get ready to have my bath and brush my teeth. 4am call my sister to wake up. After that, still need bring Penny and Wen Ling. Around 4.45am, arrived at school and CM was there already. She was earlier than me! Haha! Not all committee arrived at school before 5am. Some of the members was so early that they already at school. On 5am, I drive my car go fetch Michelle then went back to school again. 1 important things I didn't eat breakfast that time. Die! Haha! Gastric come find me in the early morning. Cool~ That time Catherine wasn't with us yet. So we call her up. She was still at home that time and CM was asking whether Catherine want to have fight with her or not. Haha! Laugh til die! Then Catherine say she can't buy corn for our BBQ! Later we saw Josephine bring a plastic of corn and CM was saying why members can buy it and Catherine can't find any. Haha! Around 5.50am, start our journey! First, we go to Satok to buy prawn. 1kg of prawn cost us RM14.00. After that, 6am we start driving up to Santubong. Along the way to Santubong, me, Michelle and Victor talk many things. Then 6.30am sharp, arrive and Pusat Kokurikulum Santubong. My car was stuck at outside cause of the bus block the small road for me to drive in. So I waited for almost 15 minutes. Later, I receive messages from CM. After 15 minutes, finally my car can drive in. At the hall, Miss Connie try to call me. But Digi line doesn't support up there so I didn't know that she call me. Digi doesn't follow me to Pusat Kokurikulum Santubong =.= Later Victor was telling me Miss Connie call up. So I went to up hill there and listen this phone call. Whole morning, their activities was being delayed cause of the BBQ set which is big can't get into the bus. Noon time, I was the first time to see all the obstacles cause for the last 2 years I wasn't involve in any obstacles judges. Sad me =( But this time I know all the route in the jungle and it was fun. I like it (in the nature). Evening we had BBQ. Haha. But until 8pm suddenly had a big big rain and that time was Treasure Hunt. So bad that it had to be canceled cause there is no electricity in the hall. And most scary things is that there were bees inside the hall. And the members was screaming when the bees approached them. Really don't know how to say them. Until 11pm something, finally CM say she find a good place for us to bath and sleep. Woots! Haha! At first, I thought it was far but who knows it was just so near. Sweat! =.= Haha! Then some of the committees follow us go up too as they also didn't bath for whole day. After I had my bath, CM was saying Ms Connie haven't sleep. So she call her up but I listen the phone cause she want to have her bath. Then talk to Ms Connie =.= After hang up the phone, I was so tired so sleep at last.
Next day, early morning 4am, I heard someone open the door and drive off. Haha! It was CM! Continue have my sleep. After 1 hour, CM came back switch on the lights to call us wake up. But after that, continue sleep til 6am! Wake up! Members had their breakfast already and prepare for Morning Drill. But who knows rain again. So committee asked them went back to hall. Sitting down doing nothing. This cancel that cancel. Untill Ms Connie meet all of the Program committee, finally have station game again. 12noon, OMG! I was scared this time. Cause of the Teacher's Day things. Speechless on that time. Got many things wanted to say to Ms Connie but don't know why I didn't have the courage to say it out. *shy* Skip this part! Going on with Closing Ceremony! During closing ceremony, ex-leaders and Form 5 were discussing about the [Noob Family]. Haha! Laugh til die! So many people in this family. Furthermore, we have 2 advisor! Sweat! Think that's all for it. When going back, CM's car was first, I'm second and Ms Connie be third. And I was driving slow and careful. Lolx! Don't dare to go over those car. Be the slow one to arrive school. After few more minutes, Ms Connie arrive too. OMG! I was damn slow! I admit! zzZzz That's all! Haha! Last camp go with you all! Don't know whether I will be back on year end or not! *sob sob*
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